The BSE Sensex climbed over 250 points in opening trades and was ruling above 27,800-mark. The NSE benchmark index too was trading and hovering around its psychological level of 8,450.Index heavyweights including Infosys, Reliance Industries and select banks such as ICICI Bank, SBI and HDFC Bank contributed most to the Sensex rise.
India cbank says repo bids fall to 24.60 bln rupees.Indian banks' refinancing with RBI unchanged at 20.32 bln
rupees.India cbank says banks' cash balances rise to 3.73 trln rupees.
Local equity market is likely to trade sideways today and will take cues from global markets for further directions. Strength in dollar will keep rupee under pressure.Today being the last trading day of the week, investors are expected to trade cautiously and square off their position ahead of the weekend. Range for the day is seen between 63.70-64.40/dollar.
India's largest private sector lender will report its first quarter numbers later in the day. Analysts polled by NDTV expect the bank to post net interest income of Rs 5,140 crore compared to Rs 4,491 crore during the same period last year.
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