The S&P BSE Sensex started on a cautious note on Friday, tracking Asian markets which were trading with a negative bias as Greece failed again to reach an agreement with its creditors and stumbled towards a default.
Large-cap IT stocks such as Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services seen rising.Global rival Accenture PLC raises revenue forecast for third time.This bodes well for Indian IT players as they will be key beneficiaries of sustainable demand, given cost pressures faced by clients particularly in Europe.
IT stocks witnessed buying interest on Friday following global outsourcer Accenture's decision to raise full-year constant currency revenue guidance to 9-10 per cent.HCL Tech led the gains in the Nifty, rising more than 3 per cent, while Wipro and Infosys traded with more than 1 per cent gains in morning trade. TCS, India's biggest outsourcer, climbed 0.5 per cent, and Tech Mahindra advanced 0.4 per cent.
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